Fast & Simple Recovery from all Anxiety Conditions



"We will quickly prove to you that you are not physically or mentally ill and we will give you a formula that will quickly remove any anxiety disorder fast and simply."


Sam Thomas, UK national theatre actor, winner of Best Actor in Musical 'Stage Debut' Award

"TLM saved me from a very dark time in my life."

I was taking numerous anti-depressants and sleeping pills, not getting anywhere and certainly not curing myself from the anxiety that had taken such a strong hold of my life. However, I was able to clearly see how the anxiety was something that I could absolutely destroy, and not just manage or have to live with. My life was changed for good and after so long living in fear, I was totally liberated and have never looked back."

"We are so excited about showing you how quickly you can recover."


Over the last 25 years, TLM and Linden Tree Education have helped millions of people like you to understand and overcome their anxiety conditions, quickly and for good! Our team is made up of the world's most experienced recovery educators who will give you exact, simple instructions on how to switch off your disorders quickly and with permanent results. How? Human biology! This is the way ALL recovered sufferers have done it. We just make the process easy for you!

TLM is administered by our professional, accredited TLM Therapists only. TLM is the only and oldest professional emotional ill-health recovery therapy.

Beth Linden - Director. LTE



We were the world's first and are the oldest provider of psycho-educational recovery, positive psychology and recovery programs.

Through our online and retreat programs and resources we have led over half a million people to the incredible lives they deserve.

If you truly want relief, your body and mind are listening... now all you have to do is talk to them.

Just read the following....


You'll learn the true science of anxiety disorders and understand your condition in true context. The science will set you free.


You will realise that everything you have previously been told is designed to manage you, not cure you... we will cure you.


You will be led to full and lifelong recovery and wellbeing by the world's leading recovery experts. These psychology professionals have helped millions since 1997.


You will be told EXACTLY what to do today to feel less anxious immediately. You will KNOW that full recovery is just a step or two away.


Anxiety is disordered fear - this disorder creates phobias, obsessions and many symptoms. We will remove the disorder that fuels your distress.


Recovery is incredibly simple - so simple that kids of seven years do it with ease. It's natural and inevitable. You cannot fail to recover.


This process has been tested by government health bodies, universities, independent health organisations - it provides the only recovery process.


If you still suffer from an anxiety condition, you have been misled and probably given counselling, therapy or medication - we will prove to you that they cannot work.Ā 

Removing inappropriate FEAR is faster and simpler than managing it!


What can you expect to experience?

25 years of practice has perfected a process that mimics and creates natural fear reduction. Inevitable, enjoyable recovery.

  1. Anxiety is disordered fear - we remove the disordered part, returning you to normal emotional responses.
  2. You will reduce your fearĀ levels on day one, so that you can get on with enjoying your life anxiety, phobia and obsession free with clarity of mind andĀ a naturally happy disposition.
  3. Your anxiety free future is written into your biology - soon you will be better than you ever thought you could be - the very best version of yourself.
  4. Simple-to-watch videos lead you by the hand to understanding the science of recovery and how to achieve it fast and without fail.
  5. From step one, your fear levels will drop and as you watch each video, you will feel your confidence in the process and yourself increase exponentially; leading to full recovery.
  6. 25 years of experience, helping people like you to recover has created a course structure that knows the potential 'pitfalls' and prevents them before they happen to you. We have ironed-out the road for you, making your recovery fast, simple and problem free.
  7. You will belong to a global family of people who have used The Linden Method to change and enhance their lives.
  8. The anxiety and trepidation you currently experience will be replaced with an unstoppable sense of strength and focus.
  9. At the end of this, you will feel compelled to help others. Your personal mission will be accomplished and youā€™ll want to set others on theirs.

How does anxiety affect YOUR body & mind?

The affect of anxiety on the human body and on each individual is as varied as people themselves.

The combination of symptoms you experience will be specific to you, BUT, the symptoms and conditions are common in all sufferers.

It is VITAL that all sufferers understand, that these are physical experiences of 'disordered fear' that have become prolongued and increased in intensity by your disorder.They are NOT symptoms of mental or physical illness. We will prove that to you 100%.

The only process that stops them, is the process we will teach you. That's just the science of human evolution and biology. You'll see.

The process I teach you is founded in psycho-education, neurology, psycho-physiology and positive psychology and has been developed by the world's leading anxiety recovery experts.

I will make your recovery simple; producing fast and lifelong relief - I have helped over 340,000 people from age 4 to 100 and it has never failed. The process cannot fail.

The list below is indicative of the categories of problems you may be experiencing.

BUT, rest assured, you will soon know EXACTLY what they mean and exactly what to do to remove them forever. Fast.

  • Generalized anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Agoraphobia or monophobia
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Pure O. HOCD, POCD, ROCD
  • Post traumatic stress disorder
  • Depersonalization or derealization
  • Social anxiety. Feeling isolated
  • Irritable bowel. Gastrointestinal distress
  • Globus - lump in throat
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Impotence. Loss of sexual performance
  • Indigestion, reflux, diarrhoea, constipation
  • Numbness or tingling in face/head
  • Tingling, numbness, heaviness in the extremities
  • Shaky legs. Weakness in legs.
  • Food intolerances
  • Eating disorder. Anorexia, Bulimia, others
  • Overthinking or intrusive thoughts
  • Health anxiety. Hypochondria
  • Emetophobia (Fear of vomit)
  • Breathing issues, Feelings of smothering
  • Groinal response. Inappropriate sexual feelings
  • Fear of dying. Fear of fainting.
  • Low mood. Depression
  • Loss of libido.
  • Postnatal anxiety/depression
  • Insomnia
  • Dizziness/vertigo
  • Blurred vision. Dry eyes
  • Tinnitus
  • Hormone issues. Inability to conceive
  • Increased allergies or sensitivities
  • Fibromyalgia. ME. Chronic fatigue

The Genetics of Your Suffering & Recovery


...people have been searching for the cause and solution to anxiety, phobias, obsessions, compulsions, panic attacks, eating disorders and other 'mental illnesses' without any success at all.

Psychology, psychiatry and medicine were turned to, but they could only address the superfical physical and mental symptoms and hypothesize and assume; and still do, which is why many treatments fail to provide recovery and many cause more anxiety.

They then turned to pseudoscientific processes like EMDR, EFT, hypnosis and other spurious practices with little to no real evidence of real science or relief.

With the true science evading them due to the science being outside of their area of knowledge, they taught coping and management strategies in an attempt to provide something, anything, of value to desperate, vulnerable sufferers.

In 1997, the missing link was discovered. Not in psychology, psychiatry or medicine but in the science of endocrinology and its relationship to learning - the seat and source of all anxiety disorders was now clear. Within the science is the genetically preset process that causes and perpetuates your anxiety and that requires a very specific process to happen to undo the changes in your body and mind.

Since then, that same science has released millions of people from their disorders, quickly and permanently - using the real science of fear, anxiety and disordered emotional responses.

The process is called LAR and The Linden Method and Anxiety Recovery Retreats are the only provider of courses and therapists using LAR in practice - the NHS rated LAR's effectiveness at 100% in trials and testing.

It is the answer to all anxiety conditions. It is the solution you need.

LAR Therapy is a CPD accredited therapy administered by mental health experts within psycho-education.


We're SO Different To Other Options

NO Therapy - NO Blame - NO Exposure Therapy -
NO Searching for A Cause - NO Endless Talking - JUST Simple, Fast-Acting Instructions for Full Scientific Recovery!

Client comments on Facebook


We are going to show you how to quickly and permanently SWITCH OFF every anxious thought and bodily symptom. to become balanced, focused and anxiety disorder free for life.

You will wake up and NOT EVEN consider yourself, how you feel or your anxiety disorder at all... from the moment you wake up, till the moment you go to sleep, you will only focus on what's going on in the world and you'll have stopped the introspective, anxiety-fuelled behaviours and thoughts.

You will be fully recovered.

How do we know? Because we did it and have since shown over 340,000 how to do the same - and it cannot fail!

We will walk you to recovery.


"I'm going to personally lead you to recovery. Live & interactive" CLICK HERE

TLM isĀ the highest scoring recovery treatment available.

In government specified trials, TLM rated Ā 90% more effective than any other anxiety disorder treatment with a measured outcome of Total Recovery. 100% of people tested experienced an average result of total recovery.


IF you are now sat there wondering...

... why YOU should do TLM when it seems that 'everything else failed'...

Consider this very deeply ...
  1. The ONLY reason you have not yet recovered is because you have received bad advice- the correct guidance produces fast and permanent relief. Your mind will release you from anxiety when it is told to. We will make it happen.
  2. People recover from anxiety disorders. You know this because, I am sure, you've seen them or have met them.
  3. Recovery is biologically possible. Anxiety is a disorder and can, therefore, can be switched off.
  4. It is NOT the case that what works for one might work for another... OR that what doesn't work for one might not work for another. It is 100% the case that ONE thing works to remove all anxiety conditions in ALL humans.
  5. If therapy, hypnosis, CBT, EFT (tapping), EMDR, counselling, relaxation etc. hasn't worked for you, it's simply because it CANNOT work for anyone. Some may say 'it worked for me' but consider what they mean by 'worked'... do they still suffer at any level? Do they still have to manage their anxiety? If so... it hasn't worked.
  6. Your anxiety condition is caused by, perpetuated and remedied in exactly the same way it has happened in every human on earth in history.
  7. If you have had treatments and they haven't worked it's because the people treating you do not practice science based recovery instruction. Even though it seems like they do.
  8. Your condition is not psychological. It is not psychiatric. It is not mental illness. It is not clinical, medical or caused by imbalance. You are not frail, mentally ill, depressed or vulnerable. You are amazing and we will PROVE that to you in the next 10 minutes.

So, why should you do TLM? Because not doing it is losing valuable time to a condition that can be gone in hours.


Why suffer another day, when you're SO close to full recovery?

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The Core LTE Team

Our team consists of Recovery Psychology, Educational Psychology, Occupational Psychology and Education professionals.

I'll personally give youĀ hours of live, interactive, reassurance, guidance and recovery coaching.

I'll give you the benefit of 48 years of suffering, recovery and helping millions of people to overcome their anxiety conditions.

We will leave no stone unturned. You will KNOW that your full recovery is imminent, fast and simple.


Client comments on Facebook

Our History in a Few Words.

Since 1997, when my husband, Charles, launched the Linden Method program, we have gone from a self-help organization, to the world's oldest provider of accredited recovery practice and professional training. Our web-app, workshop and residential programs are the most respected, time, people and government tested, demonstrating recovery capability over 900% above other treatment options. Hundreds of thousands of people now have freedom to live their lives because of our team's hard work and dedication, of which we are all extremely proud. Our focus is on moving clients to fast and permanent recovery; which we do in, more or less, every case.
Beth Linden. Director. LTE

Read More About Us



Do you think it sounds too
good to be true?

The number one reason people don't join TLM


Sometimes... they are the truth that will change your life forever.

Why isn't TLM more widely used in mental healthcare?

We are the victims of our own success. When you present a solution to an illness or disorder, you 'break' care providers' business models.

Imagine what would happen to mental health provision if every sufferer was cured.

Over 24 years, we have worked within mental healthcare settings, our efficacy has been measured at massively above their own... and we are 'shown the door'.

Mental and physical health providers create a balance between managing cases and curing cases... just enough to look effective, but not enough to cure everyone and destroy their businesses.

This is why most MH provision is session based... it is why they keep injecting new 'treatments' into the mix... none of which work but all of which keep patients 'live'.

Why else would they only use processes that use false science?

Think about it... did anything you've been told so far 'make sense'? Have you been cured?

This is exactly why we, as a group of mental health professionals and educators, decided to create LTE in 1997. We were sick of the hypocracy and lack of recovery - so we split away to help you and people like you to discover the truth and true, sceintific recovery.

24 years practice, millions of people helped, unmatched curative outcomes, NHS testing, Trading Standards partnership, our psychologists and psychotherapists, our residential facility and 1000's of testimonials PLUS undeniable science means that TLM and the process isn't too good to be true - it's THE solution all sufferers need.

NOT doing this is ignoring science and MORE vitally, ignoring your recovery.

Being told to do or believing in, what doesn't and can't work, is a violation of your trust, your intelligence and your rights.

Commonly used interventions like talking therapies, hypnosis etc. cannot help you. Their core process is not scientifically capable of helping you. Their recovery efficacy is not just limited, it is entirely non-existent.

You suffer right now because your mind has not been instructed to switch off disorder; that's either because you have been presented with false promises, false science or negligent practice OR because you've just started to suffer and this is your first time looking for answers.

Either way, you are now in the right place with the right people.


We are going to show you how to quickly and permanently SWITCH OFF every symptom, thought and bodily response.


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If you have any questions, email us using the contact page in the header menu
