What if anxiety symptoms aren't 'symptoms' at all?

What if everything you experience isn't illness, disorder or anything that require medical or psychological help?


Anxiety symptoms explained

Knowledge is power - and when it comes to anxiety disorders, the knowledge you NEED is hardly ever, the knowledge you get!

The conditions listed below aren’t anxiety disorders, they are ‘symptoms’ or 'experiences' of high levels of fear - often called anxiety disorders.

Any one of these conditions can only exist with the presence of disorder.


When your core anxiety is removed, these conditions disappear also.


My name is Charles Linden. I suffered with high anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, Pure O, agoraphobia and PTSD for 27 years and have helped many thousands of people to recover following my own recovery using this program. Below is my list of anxiety symptoms and explanations based on data gathered by myself and my qualified team over 26 years of psychoeducation practice and through over 420,000 ex clients who have done our programs. I know you will find it both reassuring and informative.



Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder, or GAD, produces general feelings of moderate to high anxiety which can also produce physical symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, dizziness, racing heart, chest pain, derealization and depersonalization, to name a few. GAD isn’t a seperate condition, it is simply the manifestation of elevated levels of the emotion of fear caused, as described above, by your creative intellect colliding with the anxiety control mechanism in your brain. Generalized anxiety will be eliminated by undermining and removing the core anxiety that fuels it. 

Panic Disorder or Panic Attacks

Panic disorder or panic attacks are the body’s pressure valve which, when to much adrenalin is present, (because it hasn’t been used up appropriately by fleeing from or fighting a REAL threat), ‘burns off’ excess adrenalin. In an anxiety disorder, this happens all too often unfortunately. Whilst panic attacks are normal, safe and expected responses to excess adrenalin in the blood, they are sometimes frightening and uncomfortable. Panic attacks are, yet again, a SYMPTOM of high anxiety and NOT a separate condition. Panic attacks are cured, like all high anxiety conditions, by eliminating the inappropriate level of anxiety that fuels them.


Agoraphobia is an anxious risk assessment which focuses on distance from people or places of safety and sometimes specific situations where the sufferer feels trapped or isolated. Like OCD, agoraphobia is a ‘risk management response’ in that the sufferer attempts to carry out an anxious compulsion, like staying at home, to limit high the possibility of elevated anxiety or even a panic attack. Just like any anxious focus/phobia, agoraphobia relies on elevated anxiety levels to exist and is therefore an anxiety symptom and NOT a separate condition. BY eliminating the core high anxiety that fuels agoraphobia, the agoraphobia cannot exist.


Obsessive compulsive disorder, or OCD, and Pure Obsessions, Pure O. It doesn’t matter whether you fixate on hand washing, disturbing thoughts, aggressive thoughts, switching the lights on and off, sexual thoughts, cleanliness, religious thoughts, hoarding or homosexual/incenstuous/perverse thoughts, OCD and Pure O (and agoraphobia actually) are in fact ALL the exact same symptom of high anxiety; the only difference between them is the ‘subject matter’. They are all risk assessments sent out by the anxiety response asking ‘what if?’, ‘What is the worst case scenario in this situation?’,’What could potentially harm me?’ With OCD it’s about carrying out an action to prevent increased fear. In agoraphobia it’s about staying close to someone or something that represents safety. In Pure O it’s about risk assessing your moral and social acceptability by asking ‘what is the worst possible thing I could do in this situations?’. Like all anxiety symptoms, these all require elevated anxiety levels to exist and like all anxiety conditions, our programs cure them.

Depersonalization and derealization

Depersonalization, or DP, and derealization, or DR, are symptoms caused by the brain focusing intellectual mind resources on the data gathered by the senses about the outside world. The brain fog, dreaminess and separation from your ‘self’ experienced by derealization and depersonalization sufferers are all caused by your senses collecting masses of data from your environment and your brain closing some of the ‘consciousness’ neural pathways in the conscious mind… both DP and DR feel horrible but they are harmless, accepted features of the anxiety response and like all anxiety symptoms, they will stop as soon as your anxiety condition is eliminated.



This is vital to your recovery. Below are fast, simple explanations as to why you suffer - I have chosen the most common symptoms because there are just so many... but the overriding truth is that you suffer because you haven't yet been told how to recover.

Your physical symptoms explained

Please understand that every single anxiety and panic attacks symptom, thought, twinge, pain, shiver or feeling you have can be explained away as 'manifestations' and NOT symptoms.


Over 26 years practice in psychoeducation, my support staff and I have put together resources that will explain EVERYTHING, reassure you and allow you to recover quickly.

The conditions above are all manifestations of anxiety and those listed below are simply an extension of that list to demonstrate that there is no difference between palpitations and panic attacks, derealization and dizziness, OCD and a Globus Hystericus.

They are all caused by one thing… elevated levels of the emotion of fear… and they are all cured by eliminating that elevated fear.

'Symptom' – The word symptom suggests illness and you are not ill.

I will continue to use the word ‘symptom’ for ease and because it’s probably what you are used to, however, please bear in mind that the sensations and thoughts experienced during anxiety are just that, the sensations and ‘mind musings’ (risk assessments) sent out by the subconscious mind during fear response and NOT a warning of REAL illness.

Please understand that our programs will help you to return your anxiety levels to your ‘birth preset’ fear level - in other words, you will reprogram your mind to behave as it SHOULD.

Below are a list of 'symptoms' that I certainly experienced during my 22 years with anxiety and those which appear to be the most common amongst our clients.

This list isn’t, by any means, exhaustive, but I feel that it does go a long way to explain away some of the things you may be experiencing and my explanations of what they were to me and what they are medically.

Increased heart rate, palpitations, heart ‘bumps’

Increased heart rate is the very core of the physical FEAR response. After adrenalin is released from your adrenal glands, and because your mind THINKS you are under threat, despite the fact that you know, consciously, that you are not, the heart beats faster to enable more fuel in the form of glucose, water and oxygen to reach your muscles.

Palpitations happen when the heart skips a beat or two during this reaction.

I had constant pounding heart, skipped beats, fluttering and all sorts of weird heart issues over the years and my clients report the exact same.

In 26 years practice and over 420,000 clients, I have never heard of anxiety related heart symptoms causing any harm during their disorder or after recovering.

Heart experiences may FEEL disturbing but they are also harmless and will STOP when we cure your anxiety.

Feeling sick, heart burn, upper gastric pain, pain in abdomen

The digestive tract is the largest system of organs in the human body; it stretches through metres of digestive organs from your teeth to your butt!

It relies on blood flow, moisture, muscles (to move food through it) and a variety of digestive hormones to function efficiently, but the anxiety response slows down and can even STOP, all of that efficiency.

I know from experience, having experienced constipation, diarrhoea, indigestion, trapped wind, pain and bloating all through my anxiety years, that the digestive tract is hit hard by the FEAR response, BUT when it happens fleetingly, to fight a REAL threat, it’s over in no time and digestion settles back down to ‘normal’.

In anxiety disorders, these changes are perpetuated.

Think logically, what do ‘non-anxious’ people say when they are about to go on stage? "I feel sick, I have butterflies, my stomach’s churning"… all fear responses all cause altered environment within the digestive tract.

The flight or fight response includes a reaction which causes the body to try to eject urine and faeces in order to make the body lighter (so we can run faster), which is why people often feel the need to run to the bathroom.

All of these symptoms GO after the anxiety has gone. Believe me… I’ve been there.

Feeling dizzy, unstable

As the anxiety response ‘kicks in’, your heart rate increases, as mentioned previously and as anxiety increases, your senses, your eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin all become ‘hyper-vigilant’, in other words, they become sensitised so that they can work together to keep you ‘safe’ by detecting any hidden dangers, like a tiger lurking in the grass for example.

All of these physiological changes cause the vestibular system, which controls balance, to become disturbed.

I spent years banging in to things, swaying and falling over. I’d stand talking to someone and in my mind, I would feel like I was standing on the deck of a ship. BUT, all of that STOPPED as I removed my anxiety disorders.

I have helped many thousands of people to recover and in every single case, those symptoms stop… even in those cases where doctors (well meaning but misguided) had diagnosed an inner ear infection, Labrynthitis, Meniers disease and other conditions that effect balance. In not one single case was anything other than anxiety behind these symptoms

Pain in or around heart and chest

If I had a dollar for every person I have met who is convinced they had heart disease, I’d be a very rich man.

Chest and heart pain were the bane of my life during my anxiety years and coupled with other anxiety ‘symptoms’ it’s easy to see why people are scared by them.

Pain in the chest in anxiety disorders is usually a combination of digestive issues caused by the anxiety response, tension in the chest muscles and tension in the internal muscles around the chest cavity… nothing more.

My chest pain would be horrendous sometimes, but like all the symptoms I and all my clients experience at the hands of high anxiety, these symptoms fade away when you are cured of the core anxiety condition.

Feeling short of breath or difficulty to take a deep breath

As respiration and circulation changes after adrenalin is released and as your senses feedback nerve impulses to the brain during the anxiety response, the body and mind struggle to make sense of what is going on inside your body.

As muscle tension combines with digestive, respiratory and circulatory changes and the levels of blood oxygen and carbon dioxide are affected, you can feel short of breath and sometimes, as if you can’t take a breath.

Consciously trying to take a breath can often make you more panicky… the amazing thing is that if you stop focusing on it, the breath comes naturally… what’s happening is that you are trying to consciously control a subconscious action (breathing) but that is physically impossible.

You won’t stop breathing… 26 years helping sufferers and 22 years experiencing the very same thing has underlined that completely. When the anxiety goes… it goes too.

Increased sweating

Excessive sweating happens as the body attempts to cool down the muscles that are primed for action during flight or fight.

Sweating isn’t threatening… embarrassing and uncomfortable maybe, but I guarantee that when your anxiety has gone, excess sweating goes too.

I used to sweat when I was anxious but it went.

Feeling lightheaded or faint

True faintness is often caused by a decrease in blood pressure, therefore during high anxiety, that can’t be the cause, because blood pressure rises during an anxiety response.

Anxious lightheadedness can be caused by muscle tension in the neck and shoulders, by a combination of disturbances within the ear and eyes caused by adrenalin release, by a change in the vestibular system that maintains balance or by derealization caused by changes in brain hormones during high anxiety.

I had constant lightheadedness and feelings like I would pass out during my anxiety disorder years.

I have yet to see someone actually faint and other than occasionally tipping off balance, I’ve never experienced anyone coming to any harm at all because of these symptoms.

Trembling or shakiness – Internal or of limbs

As the body is primed for action during the anxiety response, the muscles become tense and blood flow changes and this can often result in shaking, trembling, spasms or unwanted muscle contractions.

I had this for, pretty much, 22 years. I remember shaking in class at school and people often asking me if I was cold. In fact, it was so constant that I thought everyone did it! It goes. Even after 22 years, mine went!

Feeling of lump in throat or difficulty swallowing (Globus hystericus)

You won’t believe what this is… I’ll take you back millions of years to the start of evolution when we were amphibious. The tiny muscle contraction that causes this ‘feeling’, (and it is a feeling because it does not cause actual restriction in the throat), was part of our amphibious ancerstors ‘self preservation’ response.

As they dived into water, the anxiety control centre in the brain would close the windpipe in order to prevent water from entering the lungs.

It’s part of ‘the dive reflex’. When we get nervous, many people can feel the muscle tighten. 

Despite being uncomfortable, it is normal and people who do not suffer from anxiety can also experience Globus when sad or happy, for example at a wedding or funeral.

I had Globus for 27 years till the day I cured myself.

Feeling like you are ‘losing your mind’

Losing your mind?

There’s a strange concept! No one loses their mind.

The mind is a complex chemical and electrical biological machine and worst case scenario, the brain might become damaged by a physical accident or chemical levels might fail to maintain mental equilibrium but can your mind ‘go’?


I used to feel like I didn’t know who, where or what I was. I used to feel confused, angry, sad, depressed, desperate, scared to death… but now, as far I can tell, I am completely sane, well and effective in every aspect of my life.

EVERY single client that uses our program to recover experiences a dramatic and permanent elimination of the inappropriate nerve signals and chemical changes that anxiety brings. FACT.

You are physically and mentally fine.. we will help you to return your mind to normal fear responses.

Sensations like pins and needles in hands or feet

Pooling of carbon dioxide in the extremities (hands and feet) combined with muscle tension are probably the main causes of this tingling.

It’s very normal for oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood to become affected by anxiety… is it dangerous?


It feels strange sometimes, but ultimately, it’s not dangerous and it will completely stop when your anxiety has gone.

I had this tingling and numbness for years… sure, you associate it with other, maybe, more serious conditions but if you have an anxiety condition, try to ignore it and focus on recovering… it’s just your anxiety throwing up risk assessments for everything you feel.

Numb face or head – face pain – arm numbness

Did you know that every nerve and blood vessel that serves your face and head comes from your neck, over the scalp and down into the face?

That means that referred issues from the neck caused by tension or injury can give you symptoms of pain or numbness in your face, throat, nose, eyes, cheeks, head and scalp!

I had facial numbness that included a kind of 'paralysis' that made my eyes water, my mouth drool and my face and head feel like it had ‘fallen asleep’.

Also, the same issues gave rise to heaviness and numb feelings in my arms, especially my left arm, which would often feel like it had gone to sleep.

Like all anxiety symptoms, they go when the anxiety is cured. Head and neck massages can help!

Feeling cold or hot

The endocrine system which controls anxiety levels is also responsible for controlling all of the hormones that are used in every bodily system for everything from hair growth and emotions activation to body temperature.

The fluctuating levels of hormones released during anxiety, coupled with increased blood flow during anxiety and especially increased blood flow to the muscles, can result in extreme fluctuations in body temperature.

I’d feel hot one second and freezing the next BUT as my anxiety went, everything went completely back to normal.

Palour (pale skin)

As blood is forced to the muscles it leaves the superficial capillaries in the skin and whilst this is productive in carrying more resources to the muscles during the FEAR response.

It can also make you look pale. It’s a superficial and normal response during FEAR response… that’s why people say ‘you look like you’ve seen a ghost’ when you are shocked… it’s nothing… again a superficial feature of high anxiety that will go completely when you cure your anxiety conditions.

Need to use toilet more regularly (urination and defecation)

This is an easy one to explain… the flight or fight response is activated to fight or flee from potential danger… the bowels and bladder contain ‘weight’ and during the anxiety response the body tries to ‘eject’ that weight to make you lighter in order to run faster!

That’s it… an entirely normal human response to fear; unpleasant, awkward but normal.

This, like all anxiety symptoms, disappears during recovery.

Blushing/redness or blotchiness on the face or neck

As blood flow changes during high anxiety, these ‘capillary rich’ areas of skin respond more visually than other areas of the body.

Sometimes, as body temperature rises during anxiety, this can also cause blotchiness or redness on those areas.

This is a very common feature of anxiety and will go with the anxiety disorder recovery.

Pure ‘O’ and thoughts of an aggressive, sexual, homosexual or inappropriate nature

These thoughts are ‘risk assessments’.

The subconscious mind doesn’t have language, so it sends out a notion in the form of a nerve impulse which asks the question ‘what if?’

This question is designed to seek out risk and calculate its potential to harm us.

Risk assessed, the mind then goes on to instruct the body how to respond.

In anxiety, no real risk exists so the senses ‘seek out’ whatever is in your environment and applies that risk assessment to IT.

This could be another person, an object or situation and in many cases, because the ‘what if’ question is designed to ask "what is the worst possible outcome in this given situation", the response can be extreme – ‘what if I kill x, what if I have sex with x, what if I am gay?’ etc.

WE KNOW consciously that we would NEVER do those things but our fear control mechanism doesn’t know that… it asks "what would happen if I did X, Y or Z?"

I had Pure ‘O’ thoughts like these for years… 12 actually and they went abruptly as I did my program.

Derealization (feeling unreal or dreamy)

I know how derealization feels because I had it for, pretty much, 22 years.

At times it was extreme, at others it was negligible, but like all the symptoms I endured, until I became more informed, I thought everyone felt that way.

Derealization is caused by the brain diverting mind resources to the THREAT and dealing only with anxiety response. The affect is that every other environmental factor is ‘dulled down’ to allow the mind to focus only on dealing with the threat.

Of course in anxiety disorders there is no REAL threat so the sufferer just feels foggy or dreamy.

Like all symptoms of high anxiety, derealization will stop as your inappropriate anxiety is eliminated.

Depersonalization (feeling outside yourself or like you don’t exist)

Depersonalization, like derealization is your mind’s attempt to focus you on fighting a real threat during the anxiety response by distancing yourself from your sense of SELF. In other words, depersonalization makes you 'selfish' at a time when your own safety may come second.

I would stand at the bathroom basin, holding its sides, staring into the mirror, knowing my personal details but not recognizing the person reflected in the mirror.

But, what you must understand is that when in the anxiety response, you’re not meant to be looking at yourself in the mirror, you are meant to be fighting the tiger… in anxiety disorders, no tiger is present so the anxiety response is redundant and depersonalization feels uncomfortable, frightening and upsetting.

I know because I’ve been there.

AS I said numerous times above, this all changes once we help you to eliminate the core anxiety that causes all of these symptoms.

Depression? Anxiety? Depression with anxiety?

Confusing isn’t it? Let us help you to understand the difference and why it’s so important to YOU.

You may or may not have been to the doctors, but often doctors will diagnose depression when a person is anxious and anxiety when a person is depressed, or may even say they have depression with anxiety… whichever a doctor diagnoses, they are wrong… oh so VERY wrong.

But why?

TRUE CLINICAL DEPRESSION is a medical condition albeit one that concerns the brain, it is not a psychological condition, it’s a clinical condition resulting, it is believed by some, from altered levels of brain chemicals.

Treatment of clinical depression is usually in the form of medical assistance like drug therapy which is utilised in an attempt to regain chemical equilibrium in the brain.

Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn’t and its success is hampered, mostly, by the data that the senses feed back to the brain which interferes with brain chemistry.

In some countries where drugs are too expensive, patients are often given exercise regimes which have a pretty high curative success rate.

Our belief is that in those cases in which drugs are NOT effective, the person is not suffering from true clinical depression but has been misdiagnosed and in fact, suffers from an anxiety disorder with low mood.


If you suffer from anxiety, panic attacks, agoraphobia, OCD, Pure O, eating disorder, self-harm, emetophobia, Derealization/Depersonalization or PTSD and also FEEL depressed… you are NOT suffering from clinical depression caused by chemical imbalance.

You probably have low mood from tolerating high anxiety and the thoughts, sensations, challenges and frustration that brings with it.

It is chemically IMPOSSIBLE for the brain to be anxious and depressed simultaneously.

Think about it logically.

You KNOW how ANXIETY makes you feel:

  • Over-sensitized
  • Nervy and scared
  • Risk assessing everything for threats
  • Panicky
  • Hyper-vigilant
  • Body primed and tense
  • Mind sharp and sensitive
  • Senses seem ‘alive’ or ‘on fire’
  • Body feels tense
  • Unable to sleep because mind races/body won’t sleep

Do you know how DEPRESSION makes you feel?

  • Like you couldn’t care less
  • All your senses numbed
  • Listless, tired and weak
  • Uninterested in family, love, friends, sex
  • Like your mind is empty, hollow or gone
  • Just want to sleep your life away

See the difference?

How stupid are people who tell people they are depressed when all they are is anxious and fed up with the uncomfortable, frustrating, frightening, destructive and seemingly incurable anxiety they tolerate.

Being ‘pissed off’ and having low mood, is not depression… depression requires definite chemical imbalances… that’s not YOU.

If it were, you wouldn’t even be reading this.

We have seen many thousands of depressed people and the difference between a depressed person and an anxious person is monumental.

BUT, MANY people with clinical depression have done our programs and guess what? Recovered from TRUE clinical depression.

Please don’t get hung up or confused about your diagnosis… something brought you here to our website and something got you reading this page.

If you have felt anxious, in any way, in the last 72 hours, you have an anxiety disorder.

Quick fix doctors will prescribe antidepressents for anxiety disorders because it’s easy. Chemically they don’t touch anxiety disorders.. they might make you feel a bit dopy, but otherwise, they are of no therapeutic value in anxiety disorders.

But, just because a doctor labels you as depressed or because they prescribe antidepressants, doesn’t mean you are depressed.

Depression and anxiety are as related as head-aches and athletes foot… just because anxiety and depression both seem to affect your head doesn’t make them related.

The 5 things YOU MUST KNOW before you start treatment

The world is full of charlatans.


It is therefore vital that before entering into any arrangement with an anxiety elimination resource, that you get the facts and make an informed decision based on science.

We have created a checklist for you to use to become informed and to guide you when making the decision.

I know, first hand, what it is to suffer from anxiety and would never want to expose you to risk or concerns.

I just want you to be anxiety free in the fastest possible time with the least wrong turns possible.

Ultimately, we cure anxiety sufferers… isn’t that what you want?

1 – Are the people concerned qualified to treat you and available every day to reassure, guide and assist you when you need it? Qualifications are evidenced in outcomes NOT academic 'letters' after a name or membership of an organisation. Always ask to see client comments or reviews.
2 – Will you be provided with clear materials and devices to use to calm and reassure you when you are alone? Will you be able to 'pick up the phone' or access direct help when you need it?
3 – Is the program/material owned by a REAL legal entity (Limited company, LLC, etc.) with insurances, privacy policies, trading policies and safeguards?
4 – Are the people behind the programs real people in real offices? Can you visit them to see their operational surrounding? Do they run programs you can visit?
5 – Can you make direct, personal contact with the qualified members of staff? 

Anyone can set up online and claim big things, make up sales statistics, success statistics and hire a great web designer.

Anyone can say anything and, pretty much, get away with it on the internet.

The difference always comes when you can speak to qualified, experienced people face to face or on the telephone and make an informed decision based on integrity, transparency, honesty, history, reputation and qualifications.

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