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The Linden Method & Anxiety Relief Club Live ZOOM Webinars

Simple instructions to remove any anxiety disorder quickly and permanently.




"Anyone suffering from high anxiety or panic really should use The Linden Method, it really helped my sister and I to be panic and anxiety free. We want to help other sufferers to recover and send out the message that anxiety conditions are curable, despite what some may say.” Jemma Kidd

We have been helping anxious people from all over the world to recover from anxiety disorders naturally since 1996 - fast movement forwards - no therapy, no analysis, no soul-searching or endless talking - just simple recovery guidance 

Why do our program?

Wake up tomorrow feeling substantially better

This page is written by me, Charles, for you, the sufferer... because I was YOU once.
Please read it fully.
I was YOU once and I know 100% how to remove your disorder fast, without the need for endless therapy sessions or medication. 
I just need a little of your time and I will prove to you that anxiety conditions can be removed fully, fast and permanently.
During the Live WEBINARS on Monday evenings 6pm-7.30pm (UK Time), I will PERSONALLY troubleshoot any questions you have LIVE, via the chat facility.  (You can see me but I can't see you)
I suspect you, like me, often ask, WHY ME?

KNOWLEDGE is POWER and when you attend my sessions you will soon ...

1) UNDERSTAND why you are suffering.

2) UNDERSTAND The science of fear and anxiety, phobias, obsessions, compulsions, overthinking and every symptom and thought you experience.

3) UNDERSTAND that you are not mentally ill and that you are, in fact, an incredible person (even though you don't feel that way at the moment).

2) UNDERSTAND that recovery from an anxiety disorder is 100% achievable and inevitable when you follow my instructions.

4) UNDERSTAND every symptom that you are experiencing and feel immediately relieved that you're not any different to other anxiety sufferers.

5) Start to recognise improvements which compel you to keep going until you are fully and permanently recovered.

When your recovery starts, the sense of relief will be overwhelming.
Please note, if you are taking anti-anxiety medication they won't impede or prevent recovery. At some point they will become irrelevant.
I'll help you to get regain physical and mental balance. I'll show you that feeling well is guaranteed if you just follow my lead. 
I hope you decide to join me.  If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
Very best wishes


Linden Tree Education
Anxiety Recovery Retreats
SOLIS Health & Wellbeing

What do you receive and why will it help?

  1. Videos which will immediately reduce your anxiety and create a profound sense of reassurance
  2. Simple instructions of what to do today to reduce anxiety levels by tomorrow and ensure it will never return
  3. Support from qualified recovery specialists when you need them
  4. Live video sessions when you need them. Charles and the team will guide you and reassure you about everything you experience
  5. Access to a library of anxiety, phobia, OCD, emetophobia, panic and eating-disorder beating tools to help you on your way to recovery
  6. A library of health and wellbeing resources to maximise your physical and mental health for life

Why will it help you?

  1. It can't fail to remove your anxiety, phobias, OCD or any other experience you endure every day.

    NHS trials confirm that our program is the most effective anxiety recovery therapy.
  2. Because it uses the only process your mind and body possesses to rebalance your fear levels
  3. You will quickly feel reassured - reassurance is the opposite of anxiety. You will feel reassured on a biological level
  4. Phobias will just simply, stop. They cannot exist in a non-anxious body
  5. OCD will disappear because obsessions and compulsions are part of the anxiety response. When your anxiety stops, so will OCD, Pure O and all inappropriate and intrusive thoughts
  6. Compulsions and tics will stop too. They will be switched off by the mind when anxiety is removed
  7. Your mood will lift and all the physical symptoms you experience will retreat
  8. After recovery, your conscious mind will create a firewall to prevent you ever suffering again

Recent Client Comments

"I owe you my life Charles. After 45 years I feel totally normal." Toni

"Bloody hell, this is life-changing!" Robert. S

"I have had years of bullshit psychotherapy and psychology. I spent a fortune on nonsense. Charles, thank you. You have saved me and my family." Elicia

"This should be provided by the NHS. I have never heard such simple, common sense advice. I feel 100 times better already" Nancy. K

"I would never have made it through the last year without this!" Colin. D

"This needs to be provided on the NHS and in schools. I can't believe how simple and enlightening it is. Thank you so much." Adam J.

"Lockdown was made 100 times easier by Charles' advice." Amanda. Z

"Charles makes it all so simple and doable.
Anyone with anxiety must do this." Joy H.

Don't think about it, just join as fast as you can." Steven M.

What would your NUMBER ONE wish be?

  • To have every thought and feeling explained scientifically

  • To be told how to feel better before nightfall

  • To erase all anxious obsessions and phobias

  • To become the best version of yourself

  • To change how others perceive and value you

  • To reboot your wellbeing on a strong foundation of physical and mental health

Imagine what it would be like:

  • waking up free of the physical and mental manifestations

  • never experiencing insomnia or night-frights again

  • being present instead of dazed and distracted by your thoughts and symptoms

  • never having to plan your life around phobias, obsessions or compulsions

  • being free of intrusive thoughts and over-thinking

  • becoming the resourceful, loving, generous and kind human you were born to be

  • feeling excited and compelled by positive emotions


In this course you will be shown how to switch off anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, Pure O, health anxiety, agoraphobia, mono phobia, emetophobia, eating disorder, self-harm and any other anxiety related condition, low mood, stress or worry.

Creating recovery is our passion, which is why some of the world's leading organisations, TV and film studios, celebrities and even aristocracy and royalty rely on us to get the job done.

This is about MORE than recovery from disordered emotions though... there's a far bigger picture.

It's about saving lives, changing life trajectory, inspiring, empowering and leading you to fulfilment and wellness regardless of your situation, age, time suffered, dependencies or any other factor.

I'll show you how to reboot your physical and mental self and your life!

It's about you becoming the authentic, unique, capable, confident and productive human you were born to be... without compromise.



Disorder is body and mind-wide... even the slightest pain gives rise to body-wide responses. I am going to show you how to quickly eradicate the disordered emotional responses that drive you to seek help, reassurance and fixes.

Dependence is a natural human response to a real or perceived necessity to do something... often repetitively, often with unwanted, or even, catastrophic outcomes.

TRUE RESILIENCE - Never feel out of control again

You'll soon see that you can wake up feeling well, calm, focused, happy and fulfilled... regardless of what life is throwing at you; regardless of what happens later in life.

What do you get in Anxiety Relief Club?

Here is a list of the main features. CLICK TO OPEN

You will receive everything you need to make a full recovery - and more.

All of your recovery resources will be available on any phone, tablet, laptop or desktop device via your own website and app logins. Webinars are via ZOOM on any device.

Support calls are at local call rates. Email support is constant. Access is the same from anywhere in the world.

  • The Full Linden Method recovery program
  • Fast Track to Recovery - Video presentation with specific, simple instruction to remove all anxiety disorders starting immediately.
  • The anatomy of anxiety - A life-changing video that will immediately change how you perceive your condition.
  • Video instruction on how to reset fear levels down to 'normal'.
  • Video instructions on how to deactivate physical symptoms.
  • Video instructions on how to switch off intrusive thoughts and a racing mind.
  • Instruction on how to switch off phobias, obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours.
  • How to remove health anxiety, fear of dying, fear of fainting, agoraphobia, mono phobia, school phobia and all other phobic responses.
  • Panic Attack Eliminator - A technique that prevents panic attacks.
  • Health Anxiety Recovery - Overcoming anxiety around health (Special information for those anxious about Covid-19).
  • Pure O - Turn off inappropriate thoughts whether sexual, homosexual, aggressive, paedophilic, religious, relationship.
  • Overcome Overthinking instructions
  • Breathing and swallowing issues - How to quickly stop breathing and swallowing issues.
  • Journey out of Agoraphobia - A recording that stops agoraphobia in its tracks.
  • The OCD Solution - Extra recovery materials for OCD and Pure O sufferers.
  • The Grief Brief - A simple process for removing grief and loss.
  • Stress Free Videos - 30 program episodes that addresses each individual cause of stress and disordered emotions. 
  • Insomnia relief - Audios and instruction to overcome insomnia.
  • Live, interactive webinars twice a week to access when you need to in order to ask questions and get live answers.
  • Recordings of previous live recovery webinars to watch at your leisure.
  • Facebook private members group - The Speakeasy. Members only forum to meet other sufferers and support each other in recovery.
  • Condition specific videos - to explain exactly how your specific anxiety disorder has formed and exactly what to do about it.
  • Diet and nutrition advice
  • Audio recordings - To overcome stress, confidence issues, anger, insomnia and more.
  • Unlimited phone and email support from qualified recovery professionals.
  • You will also receive - Life coaching, life practice and guidance for lifelong health and wellbeing.

The entire resource you receive is everything you will need to become completely emotionally and physically balanced.

The full restoration of total wellbeing.

Testing by government healthcare graded our recovery program as the most effective recovery solution. Average participant outcome is full recovery. GAD7 score reduced from 18.24 (very high anxiety) to 2.84 (no anxiety) in 4-14 days. 

Some more client comments sent to us after the sessions:

"I am going to tell everyone I know about this because it's the best thing I have ever done."

"Charles is so funny, he makes the whole thing brilliant."

"This was truly life-changing. I have never heard such simple, common sense and inspiring information."

"I know that my recovery is just around the corner. Charles makes psychology look stupid!"

"Charles, you should be knighted. This is the best thing I have ever been to."

"If I hadn't had you every week, I don't know how I would have got through lockdown. At 72, I really thought these would be my last days. With you Charles, I have realised that I have much, much more time to enjoy life."

"27 years on medication and in therapy; I came to my first session with Charles and it destroyed everything I had previously heard. It makes so much sense and I haven't had a panic attack since session one."

"Charles, what you have done for me is nothing short of miraculous. Thank you."

I've spent years having therapy from psychologists and psychiatrists but it never made sense. I went because it offered me a little reassurance. But Charles' sessions made me immediately realise that all of that was complete nonsense. Thank you for releasing me Charles."

I'm a psychiatrist working in clinical practice since 1986 across private and nationalised healthcare. After I developed panic disorder in my teens  my life went through constantly fluctuating levels of anxiety and panic. I joined Charles' webinars at the start of lockdown and am now totally free of any manifestations of my previous disorder. Your creation is amazing Charles, well done."

"Charles Linden is a genius."

Jenni Barnett
LBC Radio

"The world's leading authority on anxiety recovery."

Hay House Publishing

"Charles Linden can really help. Worked for me."

Kate Ford
Actress - Coronation Street

"There's a wonderful guy called Charles Linden - he's amazing - really sorted my anxiety and panic attacks out."

Jodie Kidd
Supermodel - Presenter

"Yours is the only Method that works."

Linda Robson
Actress - Presenter

"Charles Linden saved my life."

Robin Ruzan
Producer - Ex Wife Mike Myers

"Charles knows his stuff - Tried, tested... it works!"

Mandy Smith
Model - Ex Wife Bill Wyman

"Join our 'inner sanctum'... I will prove to you that the recovery process cannot fail - that it's 'cemented' by evolution...  if people just listen and DO... they recover. Without exception." Charles

You will Learn how to create FULL & Permanent Recovery

You will have my full attention and direct guidance. You'll receive a 90-120 minute session a week for 6 months - but you won't need that long! 

You can ask me any questions you wish and I'll answer live.

Sessions are live in our ZOOM. clubhouse.

You will also receive access to our TLM recovery portal packed with resources to move you to full recovery fast.

AND I will give you access to all my new materials, books and audios as they become available plus any news, events or resources I have discovered that will help or enhance your life and recovery.

A real 'club environment' in our homes.

No matter how you suffer... be it anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, Pure O, agoraphobia, health anxiety, PTSD, monophobia, eating disorders or any other emotional imbalance... I will teach you what you will have never heard before. The science of your disorder and more importantly, the science of your recovery.

You will KNOW with no doubt, what to do to recover from your condition quickly, effectively and with life-long results.

You will know why you suffered and why no other treatment had worked.
I'll give you proven instructions on how to deactivate fear today and how to ensure that your anxiety condition never returns. Effortless, recovery and a 'no maintenance' future.

I did this for myself and have since taught thousands from around the world to understand their condition with REAL science, NOT the modified version of science psychology and psychiatry chose to use.

Let's kick Anxiety's arse into touch.
(Times may change to allow international attendees some flexibility too)


I'll not only teach you how to recover...

I am going to teach you have to live an incredible life.

I have taught hundreds of thousands how to be 'systemically well' in every aspect of their life, using real, logical science and instruction.

I will teach you how to reset your physical and mental self.

I will teach you how to erase all disorder, from unfitness through to digestive disorders, addictions, intrusive thoughts, grief and any other influential disordered responses.

I will teach you how to maximize your physical and mental capacity and reach your full potential.

I will teach you how to become the authentic YOU.

I'll teach you how to NEVER need a fix again... any fix... alcohol, yoga, meditation, medication, illicit substances etc.... you will never look for solutions again, because you will have no need for them.

You will be truly 'well'.

You will become calm, focused and resourceful in every way and in ways you never would have imagined.

Jemma Kidd on Lorraine


I'll show you how I cured myself and tens of thousands of people just like you using REAL science.

I'll tell you stories that I have learned from the 1000's of people I have helped... some funny, some valuable, some just because they're great value,

The same week the photo on the left was taken I was told by a psychiatrist (the top in his field apparently) that I would always need medication and life-assistance; that I would never be free of my disorders, never be married, have a job or have children. He told me, on that day, to buy dirty magazines and "pleasure myself happy!" If you think that was bad advice, I've heard far, far worse from clients since then, believe me.

One week later I was back at work, going to the gym and moving around, eating and living free of the disorders that plagued me for 26 years.

I've helped over 420,000 people and developed the only recovery practice that actually produces constant and undeniable recoveries.

If I had believed that quack, I probably wouldn't be here now.

You will be led to full recovery

"This is high-school biology correctly applied.

Your mind and body moves between emotional states constantly... you know that because you experience it daily. I will show you how to 'hack' that system and restore life-long emotional balance and peace. How to become the authentic and amazing YOU." Charles


A message to you from one of our clients


I have never failed to cure a client that does it!

"In 25 years , 370,000 program and Retreat and over 4,000 private clients, I have never failed to create recovery. No drugs, no talking therapy, no analysis, just simple, straight-forward instruction on how to remove emotional imbalance and regain full control over your emotions, life and future." Charles

Some People Charles Has helped

Charles' clients are everyone from stay-at-home mums to aristocracy, sports-people, celebrities, musicians... in fact, you name it, he has helped them. Charles has very little time to spare but his 'direct client' work has always formed the basis of what he loves and lives to do in life.

You'll Know Why All Other Therapies Fail

"I will teach you the true science of anxiety disorders and recovery and I will prove to you beyond any doubt, that fast, permanent recovery from your anxiety condition is so, so close." Charles


So Simple, So Logical, So Scientific

"Since 1997, I have taught millions how to change and save their lives. I have sat in front of tens of thousands of sufferers, clients, medics, scientists and ists from every area of practice... I have never failed to create recovery in those who follow my advice and no one has ever been able to contest the advice `I give. I didn't create the solution, human evolution did that... I just give structure and language to a process dictated by science." Charles


About Charles & LTE

Unique provision of real recovery solutions since 1997

"I will work with you to create fast and permanent recovery from your anxiety condition. All you have to do is listen and DO. I have never seen the process fail. If you are anxious and human... it can't fail." Charles Linden


Charles has been called 'The World’s Leading authority on anxiety disorder recovery', originally by Hay House Publishing but since by 1000's of those who have endorsed and used his work. Charles has featured in hundreds of newspaper, magazine and online articles as well as having his own TV series, being a radio guest many times and writing for some major magazines and newspapers as ‘agony uncle’ and consultant.

To date, Charles’ organisation's programs, workshops and residential retreats have helped in excess of 30 million people to find full and lifelong recovery from anxiety disorders including GAD, OCD, panic disorder, health anxiety, agoraphobia, eating disorders, self-harming, Pure O, self-harming and more. Linden Tree Education now employs a team of psychologists, psychotherapists and other industry professionals to deliver CPD accredited program of recovery and Recovery Practitioner Training.

The UK’s National Health Service's testing of the programs demonstrated 100% recovery outcomes - unmatched across the industry. To date, the organisation and Charles have helped millions of Americans and people from all over the world to find true freedom from their disorders.

Charles is consultant to celebrities, TV studios, film studios, sports stars, aristocracy and corporate organisations from around the world, many of whom are now ambassadors for the organisation; including Lady Jemma Mornington and supermodel Jodie Kidd, Vogue USA Editor Plum Sykes and Actress, Miranda Hart.

Charles is on 'speed-dial' at TV studios, film studios, sports clubs, corporate HQs - he's first on the list when there's a desperate need to 'fix' a person or people fast. Charles' reputation for real recovery is second to none internationally.

1000’s of recovery reviews are testament to Linden Tree's recovery outcomes, but also to Charles' 22 years suffering and over 25 years providing real, curative solutions to people all over the world.


Charles' knowledge of the true science of the emotions and his ability to clearly communicate the science in a simple, meaningful way is testament to years of one-to-one, group and event formatted coaching. Charles has the ability to, so eloquently, communicate reassuring, science based explanations of every symptom, thought and sensation and directly connect it to the implicated science and also to inevitable recovery.

A unique gift that brings people from all over the world to his programs and events in their thousands each year.


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